Landed House Painting Services
Check out our Landed House Painting Projects Gallery
Landed Properties are without a doubt an important asset class to owners in Singapore. Add to the fact that painting of the exterior house painting last about 5 to 6 years, it is imperative that owners only engage professional painters for their homes.
MUNDA Contract Services has almost 24 years of experience in providing quality Landed House Painting Services and Landed Home Renovation Services in Singapore. Seek for professional advice at MUNDA today!
Depending on size, complexity of the building and weather (if exterior painting is included)
Type of paints available:
We only use Genuine Nippon Exterior Paints Products with Green Label with the following selections:
- SolaReflect
- High quality stretchable paint (Reduce heat build up)
- Heat Reduction Effect (Energy saving)
- Anti fungus & Algae (Prevents Moulding)
- Weatherbond Algaeguard
- Long lasting high performance
- Long lasting fade resistance
- Environmentally friendly
- Weatherbond
- High performance
- Excellent resistance to dirt, water, alkali, chemicals & peeling
- Anti-carbonation formula to protect against fading of wall colour
- RoofGuard
- Highly durable acrylic-based emulsion
- Anti-fungus/Mould
- Excellent Resistance to Fading
- Semi-Gloss Finish
Other Information
There are other brands available to choose for Landed House Painting Services. Please refer to our friendly sales personnel for recommendation of suitable genuine Nippon Exterior Paints for your property. Please request from our friendly sales person for further information.
- Prices quoted inclusive of paint purchase delivery & application (unless otherwise requested)
- Type of manpower provided:
- For Landed House Painting Services, Singaporeans, Malaysians, Bangadelshs & Indians are employed.
- Provides additional service of minor shifting of furniture during painting period at a nominal fee